Day 33: Untitled

Lasagne dinner
Lasagne dinner courtesy of Jessica and Antelope Crossing

Please bear with me one more day. I promise to start catching up tomorrow. But for what it’s worth, today has been great in ways I never would have expected: The paved roads were nearly empty of traffic; the dirt roads, while at times sketchy, or even washed out, were faster than I ever would have expected; and I had freshly-made grilled veggie lasagne for dinner along with hours of conversation, and even a nap. Oh, and I’m spending the night in a bar.

Short ride tomorrow (35 miles), staying in a motel (in Lyman, WY), so I hope to go back and start filling in the blanks from my stay at Sweetwater Station to present.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    There is green stuff on the plate! Yay! (lily)

    1. Scott Alumbaugh

      And veggies in the lasagna. Though I did have some tootsie rolls that the folks at Sweetwater Station had sent off with me.

  2. Lisa (MTTN)

    Thank you Jessica! Hats off to Antelope Crossing.

    1. Anonymous

      It was my pleasure. I enjoyed visiting with Scott and learning more about his adventure.

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