Julesburg Tri-trails-parkTri-trails park south of Ogallala. First mention I’ve seen of the Texas Trail.Sand-hill-stationSand Hill Station monument in Tri-Trails Park. Sand-anything is bad news for the road ahead.bruleDowntown Brule, NEBrule-1886Brule lamppostDiamond-springs-stationDiamond Springs Station, west of Brule on Hwy 30California-hillThis sign is actually worth taking the time to read. I passed on trying to look for the ruts.California-hill-rutsThe ruts are up there somewhere . . .Auto-tour-route-big-springsBack on the Auto Tour route, this time into Big SpringsPhelps-hotelPhelps Hotel in Big Springs. I love the hotel sign over the entrance.Pony-express-big-springsPony Express monument at Big Springs, NESouth-Platte-stationSouth Platte Station monumentJulesburgI’ve been climbing for quite a while now. I think I’m a little under half-way up to the level of South Pass.Julesburg-signJulesburg in not shy about letting you know where you areJulesburg-watertowerBIg welcome from JulesburgPie-a-la-modePie and ice cream at D & J Cafe, Julesburg, COJules-plaqueJulesburg plaque for its founder, Jules Beni. The info here is only partially misleading.Julesburg-silosTo get an idea of how huge these are, look for the truck at the bottom√Oregon Trail marker in JulesburgOld-trailI think the old trail runs behind this marker?Pony-express-statue-JulesburgColorado has set up an elaborate rest stop of US 80 at the Julesburg exit, complete with this statuePatagonia-bike-shortsI may have spent an hour or so in downtown Julesburg wearing these shorts in this condition.