Cameron Park to Folsom city-lightsThis used to be City Lights Drive, and still is according to online mapsold-bass-lakeRealignment of Old Bass Lake Road, which does not appear in online mapstong-roadOpen gate on Tong Road. Google Maps still shows this as posted No Trespassing.serrano-pkwy-trailInadequate signage leading to Serrano Parkway Trailserrano-curbYou have to hop this curb to get down to Buck's Creek Trailedh-gravelGravel trail up to an open entrance in a gated communityedh-singletrackSingletrack option. Nice, but a little overgrown.serrano-pathSerrano Parkway has a shoulder and a separate pathSaratoga LaneNewly-widened street with a decent shoulder for ridingbikepath-bridgeBike path bridge over Willow Creekbidwell-intersectionTricky, uncontrolled intersectionnatomas-intersectionTricky intersection. Pedestrian and bike path is on the leftold-folsom-bikepathFinal stretch of bike path into Old Town Folsom