A few people have asked me about certain ride stats: Distance, elevation gain, etc. So for those who might be interested, I put together a few statistics (metrics?) from my ride between St. Joseph and Salt Lake City. Links to tracks of each day’s ride are collected here: https://ridewithgps.com/collections/30245.
- Distance ridden: 1,400 miles (and some change)
- Shortest Ride: 20.7 miles (Day 30: Jeffrey City, WY to Sweetwater Station, WY)
- Longest Ride: 66.2 mile (Day 22: Guernsey, WY to Douglas, WY)
- Average ride: 45 miles
- Elevation gained: 46,355 feet
- Flattest Day: 378 feet (Day 11: Lexington, NE to Gothenburg, NE)
- Hilliest Day: 3,288 ft (Day 38: Coalville, UT to Salt Lake City, UT)
- Elevation at South Pass (crest of the trail over the Rockies): 7,411′
- Total days of the journey (May 26–July 13): 49
- Train travel (4) and stay in St. Joseph (2): 6
- Riding days: 31
- Resting days: 7
- Kearney (1)
- Scottsbluff (1)
- Casper (4)
- Evanston (1)
- Stay in Salt Lake City (3) and train home (2): 5
- Nights camping: 12
- Nights inside (hotel, motel, trailer, pub): 25
- Mechanical issues:
- Slow leak in front tire (pumped up every morning)
- Very slow leak in back tire (topped off every few days)
- Trailer kickstand setting slipped (reset in Scottsbluff)
- Right pedal squeak (starting after ride through creeks; removed and oiled it south of Farson)
If there’s anything else any of you are interested in, let me know. If I can quantify it, I’ll add it here.
Lose any weight?
Good question. I may have lost a few pounds, but not a notable amount. I didn’t weigh myself before I left, so I’m not sure.
How many pounds of ice cream were consumed?
You’re not the first person to ask that. Rough estimate would be two gallons . . . but I need to go through the blog posts and see how many pints of Ben and Jerry’s I actually copped to. I can tell you though, that no matter mow much it was, I should have eaten more.